The Proposed Development will provide up to 200 residential dwellings, including 1 to 4 bed houses and apartments, up to a maximum of 3 storeys.

Vehicle access to the Site is proposed off Cottington Road opposite St Augustine’s Cross, with internal access arranged as a cul-de-sac. Pedestrian and cycle access will be aligned with a proposed park to connect with an existing public footpath. A potential location for safe crossing of Cottington Road is proposed via Lavender Lane.

The proposed community orchard and further play space will be enclosed by retained vegetation, and natural and semi-natural green space. Drainage measures (Attenuation basins) are proposed across the Site to minimise any risk of flooding. A buffer area with no development to avoid any associated noise from the railway line is proposed south of the railway line, in addition to a view corridor along Cottington Road to St Augustine’s Cross to help protect its heritage status.


  • Retain and enhance the existing Public Rights of Way (PRoW), providing a well-overlooked and safe route to Thanet Parkway Station. A proposed network of routes and linkages will offer safe, connected pathways for pedestrians and cyclists, integrated with the wider network.
  • Preserve the view and setting of the Grade II Listed St. Augustine’s Cross from Cottington Road.
  • Delivery of a policy compliant 60 affordable homes to help address the immediate and ever growing local need.
  • Highways improvements along Cottington Road to deliver a safe and attractive route for pedestrians taking them off the highway.
  • Open private land to the community, creating a connected, smart, sociable, green, and healthy neighbourhood in an attractive, truly sustainable setting, while preserving the unique identity and charm of the local area.
  • Create a multifunctional green space that includes play areas for all ages, orchards, parks, gardens, and sustainable urban drainage systems, while enhancing biodiversity.