Q1 – How many houses are proposed?

ANSWER : Up to 200 new homes maximum. We are currently working on the design and the exact number will be determined through the detailed design. The homes will provide a range of housing types, designs and sizes, including affordable housing and provision for self-build/custom homes, subject to market appetite.

Q2 – Will the proposals increase traffic?

ANSWER :  Pre-application discussions are commencing with Kent County Council to determine and agree appropriate traffic modelling. A dedicated Transport consultant is leading these discussions and will work with Kent County Council to ensure that suitable mitigation is incorporated to limit any impact from traffic flows associated with the development.

Q4 – How will construction impact be minimised?

ANSWER : A Construction Management Plan will need to be provided to the Council for approval before any construction works can take place. This will set out detailed mitigation measures, including minimising issues such as noise, vibration and dust.

Q5 – What will the design of the new homes look like?

ANSWER : The new homes will comprise a mix of 1-4 bedroom homes to a maximum of three storeys. Future consultation will be available on detailed designs of homes. It is expected that homes will be locally inspired and utilise local materials, where appropriate.

Q6 – Will there be landscaping improvements?

ANSWER : The site will integrate a wide range of open space including amenity green space, children’s play space provision, landscaping and footpaths interwoven between the development. Planting along the site’s boundaries will also provide a buffer between the new development and existing residential properties which bound the site.

Q7 – Will there be any benefits to locals / the wider community

ANSWER : Safe and attractive public right of way (PROW) connection to the Thanet Parkway station and along Cottington Road to connect to the wider PROW network west towards Brook Lane and Minster. Extensive provision of public open space, accessible for existing residents of Cliffsend, including an attractive space to enjoy the St Augustine Cross. Play areas are provided across both developments and a community orchard is proposed within land south of Cottington Road.

Q8 – What sustainability measures will the development include?

ANSWER : Active travel and public transport is at the core of the development, encouraging existing and future residents to walk or cycle to Thanet Parkway railway station. Tree-lined streets and areas of natural landscaping will help deliver an onsite biodiversity net gain of at least 10%. Sustainable building practices and local materials will be utilised, where appropriate, to ensure all aspects of the development help address Thanet District Council’s climate emergency.